Over the Garden Wall - Wirt, Greg, & the Beast

Meet Wert, Greg, & the Beast. 

Over the Garden Wall is one of those rare instances of a show that becomes an instant classic and thereby dubbed an annual tradition. This colorful and whimsical cartoon mini-series tells the tale of two brothers, Greg and Wirt, who are lost in an unknown woods and ever-searching to find their way back home. Aside from the classic story which tells the age-old legend of heroes searching for their long lost home as all the evil of the world slowly closes in around them, this show features some of the most memorable musical numbers in recent memory (I dare you to watch and not feel utterly swept away by this infectious tunes!) The simplistic design of the main characters is framed within the painterly backdrops that fill the lands of the Unknown which edge from an almost Norman Rockwellian sense of nostalgia and down into the deepest, dark recesses of Dante's circles of Hell. These unforgettable characters will forever hold a place in the hearts of those who take that mythical journey with them into the woods.

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Nick Van Slambrouck